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According to God’s Word He has called us into His kingdom for such a time as this. A time to serve, a time to enlighten and a time to establish God’s kingdom in the earth. Bringing many sons into glory out of darkness into His marvelous light. Called to be a blessing bringing forth fruit.

New Light Beulah places a high value on equipping believers to be a blessing offering a number of ministries focused on discipleship and believes that strong families are the foundation of strong churches and communities.

Send message to ministry chairpersons or call the office at 803-783-2050

Christian Education Ministries

Bible Study


Come join us for our weekly Bible studies on the following days:

Noon-Day Bible Study
To Be Announced

Mid-Week Bible Study
To Be Announced

Sunday School Department

Rev. John Middleton, Jr., Superintendent

Our Sunday School Department educates disciples of Christ here at NLBBC. The aim of Sunday School is to equip the entire church in the Word of God and evangelize the Lower Richland Community. Christian Education helps every member become more knowledgeable about the Bible. It also prepares members for opposition that will come when doing the Lord’s work. The goal is to ensure that every member proclaims the truth of God’s Word in every area of life and encourage every member to be courageous when sharing the Gospel.

Click here for Sunday School News, Class details and for this week’s Sunday School Lesson

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is an extension of the Sunday School. This ministry group coordinates the church sponsored week-long educational camp (usually held during the summer) focused on continuing to promote Christianity throughout the community and the world by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. It’s mission continues to be winning souls for Christ and to promote discipleship.

Vacation Bible School teaches Christian education through stories, bible readings, skits, songs, crafts and other visible activities. One of the main goals of the VBS program at New Light Beulah Baptist Church is to make the bible more understandable for children and adults of all ages.

Outreach Ministries

Black History Ministry

The bible gives us stories of deliverance and hope. The Black History ministry sponsors learning opportunities particularly during Black History month which helps us identify with the Israelites moving from servitude to the promised land. Black history is an excellent way to learn spiritual lessons and better understand God’s plan for all people. We look to the bible to see how God brought His people out of slavery and in order for us to move forward, we must have hope and faith.

Men / Father’s Day Ministry

This ministry coordinates the celebration of Father’s Day/Men’s Day. The group honors a person(s) for the work that they have done in and around the church inspiring others to do more to enhance the spiritual growth of the church.

Singles Ministry

The Singles Ministry is a group of singles united for Christ. This ministry is designed to reach, teach, equip, serve, and nurture singles and gives an opportunity to connect and build quality friendships while encouraging a positive Christian life.

Women / Mother’s Day Ministry

This ministry coordinates the celebration of Mother’s Day/Women’s Day. The aim is to help cultivate a church that is welcoming and loving and that women will sense its presence to encourage, equip and empower others to become all that they can be in Christ. They believe that this will give the women a voice among themselves to share experiences to teach, be a role model and to express their spiritual experiences to uplift others.

Young at Heart Ministry

The Young at Heart Ministry is an active group consisting mostly of senior adults at New Light Beulah that provides opportunities to connect with each other regularly.

Participants are normally already involved in other ministries in the church. Personal growth is encouraged by participation in the weekly noon-day bible study and is sometimes followed by fellowship luncheons at a favorite restaurant. Other social events include an annual mountain apple picking bus trip and other outings throughout the year.

Young Adult Ministry

New Light Beulah has a long history of young adult ministry programs with its long time motto: “Showing love for God by passing that love on to others”.  This ministry provides young adult opportunities for personal involvement in worship and bible study, service to others, Christian witnessing and fun and fellowship.

The aim of the current ministry team is to continue the growth in Christ in our young adults and provide opportunities for them to learn areas of Christ that can help them survive and mature as a Christian.  By starting young, we can build a foundation that will continue to help the church flourish for years to come.

Know Someone Between The Ages Of 18 to 50?
Invite Them To Join Us!!

Sign Up for Young Adult Ministry

Service Ministries

Associate Ministers

Meet Our Ministry Leaders

Deacon Board

Meet Our Deacon Board

Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconess ministry is a group of women of faith that serves as a supportive and spiritual arm bearer to the Pastor and Deacons. Deaconess enhance the spiritual growth of the church by setting good examples to young and seasoned women. The Deaconess of New Light Beulah Baptist Church prepare candidates for Baptism and make sure that communion preparations are taken care of. This ministry also assists the Pastor and Deacons in the caring of members through visitations, telephone calls, and by letting them know that they are an important part of the family of Christ. This ministry also provide spiritual workshops to strengthen our commitment to our church and faith.

Children's Church Ministry

Join us each Sunday

No Children’s Church during the month of July
Drop off 10:15am
Pickup immediately following the worship service

Children’s Church introduces the Word to some and ignites the Word in others at a level that youth ages 4-11 would understand. Its focus is to teach the principles to live by, therefore promoting Christian love, responsibility and obedience to enhance the body of the church.

Health Guild Ministry

The Health Guild Ministry gives health related services in the church and offers outreach by sponsoring health fairs, church bulletin inserts, newsletters, workshops and such which are informative to the church and the community on promoting wellness and preventive health issues. Also to serve the sick and bereaved in an emergency situation.

By giving general advice on the problems of health, the Health Guild’s aim is to help Christians to understand the relation between spiritual and physical well-being and supply whatever preventive measures needed. If one can change the way they are thinking (mind), one can change their health.

The Health Guild ministry maintains the church First Aide Room.

Beacon of Hope Food Pantry Ministry

Beacon of Hope Food Pantry Ministry

The church maintains a food pantry for outreach to local and surrounding communities.  The third Sunday of each month is Food Pantry Sunday, and New Light Beulah members support this ministry by donating non-perishable food items.

NLBBC Missionaries

Family Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry

Missionaries are called to help the poor and to care for the sick and shut in. They are personally concerned and has a deep love for people, is greatly concerned about their needs, not only physical and material, but their soul’s salvation and spiritual health as well.

The purpose of the Missionary Ministry of New Light Beulah Baptist Church is to worship God in joyful fellowship, to assist church members and the community with needed and caring service and to invite all people into a saving relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Usher Board

The Usher Board serves by preparing the sanctuary for services, greeting the people as they enter and by keeping order among the worshipers.

The New Light Beulah Baptist Church usher board consists of junior and senior ushers. The board offers support and guidance during most church sponsored activities including distribution of program literature, stewardship, communication with leaders, members, visitors as well as other aspects enhancing the worship experience.

Support Ministries

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee is responsible for upholding the constitution and bylaws of the baptist church.

Flower and Beautification Ministry

The Flower and Beautification Ministry is an outreach ministry that purchases and delivers flowers for the church and to sick, shut-in, hospitalized and bereaved members in the time of need.

Hospitality Ministry

The NLBBC Hospitality Ministry team extends a warm and courteous welcome during worship services to all visitors and returning members who worship at New Light Beulah Baptist Church.

Kitchen Ministry

The Kitchen Ministry is a dedicated group charged with the responsibility of preparing and serving at most church sponsored functions. Members of this ministry coordinate the organization of the kitchen to ensure that operations are orderly and adequately equipped with supplies in order to provide service for all occasions. They work together to accommodate and meet the needs for any church function involving utilization of the kitchen. The Kitchen Ministry plans, prepares, and serves refreshments and repasts for special programs, events, and funerals in the church.

Media Ministry

Audio Visual Media
Website/Social Media

The goal of the Media Ministry is to provide good recording for uplifting of the church and to provide quality sound to enhance the musical part of the church particularly our singers and pastor. Also to provide good sound for the members.

We also offer outreach by providing good quality sound recordings to our sick and shut-in members and any member or visitor who would like a recording of the services.

Another powerful aspect of our Media Ministry is that it ministers beyond the walls of the church by way of the world wide web and social media.

New Member Ministry

The New Member Ministry introduces new members to the mission and ministry of New Light Beulah Baptist Church. New members are asked to complete a class prior to receiving the right hand of fellowship. During this class, new members are given an overview of the church’s history, what we believe, as well as our vision and mission statements. New members receive information about church leadership and structure, including our Constitution and Bylaws, and Church Covenant. The goal of the New Member Class is to provide a general overview of our church and to assist new members in making proper decisions about ministry involvement.

Following completion of the New Member Class, members are eligible to participate in all aspects of our services and receive the right hand of fellowship. The New Member Class is a session held weekly during the Sunday School hour.

Pastor Support Ministry

The purpose of the New Light Beulah Baptist Church Pastor’s Support Ministry is to show appreciation for pastoral leadership and spiritual guidance as the vision that has been given for the church is fulfilled.

To ensure that the Pastor has what is needed to better promote the ministry, this group supports and provides assistance to the pastor and family as needed through prayer and various support mechanisms and by continuing to encourage, inspire, and strengthen our pastor and family with prayer.

Public Relations Ministry

The Public Relations ministry assures community outreach.  This includes promotion of church and ministry-sponsored events through media (newspaper, radio and television), visual, verbal and written communications to promote New Light Beulah and its mission.

Trustee Board

 Hezekiah Green, Chairperson
Bro. Roosevelt Coleman, Vice Chairperson

Areas of Responsibility:
Finance Committee
Media/TelecommunicationsGrounds Management/Equipment
Building Maintenance
Transportation/Vehicle Maintenance Commitee


Music and Arts Ministry

Elder Anthony B. Stubbs

Meet Our Minister of Music

Elder Anthony B. Stubbs – Read Full Bio Here

New Light Beulah Baptist Church is blessed with an anointed music ministry with many opportunities for musical worship.

Worship has always been an important part of our Christian journey. The Music Ministry ministers the gospel of Jesus through song, the Word of God and musical instruments to encourage and edify believers and give praise and glory to God.

With a variety of choirs for all ages, there’s a place for you to be a part of this ministry.

NLBBC Choirs

Send message to choir presidents or call the office at 803-783-2050

Voices of NLBBC

Rehearsals:  Thursdays at 7:00 PM

The choir is composed of a range of ages and is very active in the total music ministry of the church.  The Voices sing to the glory of God Sundays except the 3rd Sunday each month.

Praise Team

Rehearsals:  Tuesdays at 7:00 PM

It is important that the proper atmosphere be set for God’s house.  The praise team is an anointed group committed to stand before the people each Sunday morning and minister music to usher the congregation into the presence of God at the beginning of Worship Services.

Jubilee Choir

Rehearsals:  1st Saturdays each month at 10:00AM

The Jubilee Choir enriches the worship experience with acappella and common meter singing of traditional and endearing spirituals and hymns touching lives and leading souls to Christ.

Men's Choir

Rehearsals: 1st and 2nd Mondays each month at 7:30PM

The Men’s choir is a Christian brotherhood ministering God’s word through song every 3rd Sunday.

Children's Choir

Rehearsal dates and times are announced in the church bulletin

Children’s choir is open to youth ages 4 to 11 with a willing heart to sing praises to our Lord and Savior.  New members are welcome!

NLBBC Arts Ministries

Send message to choir presidents or call the office at 803-783-2050

Liturgical Dance Ministry

This ministry expresses the Word of God through artful interpretation.  The team provides artistic worship presentations as scheduled.