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How to Become a Member

We are grateful that you are considering becoming a member of New Light Beulah Baptist Church.


Should you decide to do so, you may start the process of becoming a member of New Light Beulah by:


Coming forward when the Pastor extends the invitation to discipleship at the end of a worship service.


If you come forward when the Pastor extends the invitation to discipleship, a member of the New Member Ministry or the Church Clerk will collect some information, and provide you with details on the next steps.


You may join in one of four ways:



If you have never been baptized but have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you may join as a candidate for baptism (by immersion).



If you are a former member of New Light Beulah and you wish to rejoin, you may reinstate your membership.



If you are a former member of another like-minded Baptist Church and have a letter of introduction from that church, you may join by letter.



If you have been baptized but have no church affiliation or letter of introduction, you may join under your Christian Experience. 


All candidates for membership are required to attend our New Member Class (held weekly during the Sunday School hour). Candidates who have been baptized at either New Light Beulah or another like-minded Baptist church and who have completed the New Member Class are eligible to receive the Right Hand of Fellowship with all rights and privileges of the church body.


Further information concerning Baptism and the Right Hand of Fellowship will be provided during the New Member Class.